Snowkiting is a fun and exciting sport performed during snow season. Snowkiting is a combination of kite-flying skills with snowboarding or skiing over mountains, frozen lakes and snow covered fields. At CKSS kitesurfing school, we promote safety and follow the rules and regulations, local and international standards. You can get into the sport quickly and safely while having fun by selecting a professional instructor at CKSS. All of our instructors are certified and follow single unique CKSS kite boarding school method of teaching. For the lesson we will provide you with all kiting equipment needed.
Snowkiting Level Two – Intermediate(3-hrs)
Set up of 4 and 5 line De-powerable Kite
- Kite set-up positioning in the wind window
- Leading edge inflation
- Parafoil / Inflatable kite set-up
- Connecting control lines to the kite
- Difference between 4 and 5 line set up
- Binding adjustments for snowkiting
- Select proper size of kite
- Pre-flight inspection of safety system
- Learn right-of-way rules for snow kiting
Developing Kite Flying Skills
- Kite re-launching techniques with assistant
- Self re-launching techniques
- Flying kite while controlling it with one hand without crashing
- Elements of kite positioning in wind window during flight
- Controlling the kite while putting on skiis or snowboard
Snowkiting Riding Skills
- Combine skills of skiing/snowboarding and kiteflying
- Snow kiting skis/snowboard downwind in both directions
- Control of riding speed, accelerating and coming to a complete stop
- Return to starting point
Snowkiting – Advanced
- Advanced kite-flying technique
- Snowkite riding upwind
- Riding upwind in both directions
- Advanced snowkite race techniques
- Learn how to jump
- Learn how to perform tricks