Many people in the world don’t even think about Ontario as a destination for their next kiteboardingtrip. However, the Great Lakes offer a wide variety of different riding conditions throughout the year.You can experience perfect conditions for practicing your jumps and tricks, building beginner skills, learnfoiling or even snow kiting and kite snowboarding during the winter months. The possibilities areendless. And all of this could be as close as 10 minutes away from downtown Toronto at Cherry Beach,or as far remote as a 1.5 hour drive to Nickel Beach in Port Colborne on Lake Erie. There are many windyspots available around…
Another good reason to come and ride in Ontario is because you can meet great people and probablyone of the largest kiteboarding community organizations, vp7.108.myftpupload.com (Canadian Kite Surfing Society). Thisgroup was at almost the gate of kiteboarding beginning in the area. It consists of almost 400 riders andkeeps growing every day with riders of different experience levels. This community of riders can alwayssuggest and show you new spots to explore. They can also show you where you can purchaseequipment, as well as offer you professional lessons, equipment and supervision while you arepracticing which is especially helpful if youare new to the sport
The way you are taught by vp7.108.myftpupload.com is with passion, dedication and professionalism that will get youaddicted to the sport and stay connected with the group. Even if you end up living in another part of theworld, you’re still considered family and can stay connected!
You also can participate in different races and competitions organized by CKSS, including trips to hotwindy spots outside of province and many more kitesurfing related activities and events. Not to forget,you can alwaysask for help with a damaged kite and it will be professionally repaired for you to serveyou many more years instead of going to the garbage bin as you were thinking it would because it wasso badly damaged
Kiting Set Up
We would definitely recommend tobring with you your larger size kites, but not to forget thatsometimes a 10 meter kite could be too much here too. We for sure suggest 2 different size boards, thelargest one you have and a medium size perhaps. Or your favorite foiling board
What are the kiting conditions like? You can mention your centre/boat here:
Depending on the spot where we travel to, usually within 2-2.5 hours radius from Toronto in search ofperfect riding conditions, we do experience a variety of windy conditions here. We noticed that duringthe spring and fall time we have more strong and consistent winds, in which it is for sure fun to usesmaller kites. At the same time, because sometimes the wind is better up high, we do often useextension lines to add to our existing control bar lines. Sometimes as long as 10 extra meters, but mostly5 or 7 meters is more common and will do the job for you
When is best to go?
The question we were asked: When is the best time to go? Our answer is when the wind is blowing…Whether you are sitting in the office or having a day off at home, when you see the wind pick up, this iswhen we all run like rats from the sinking ship, but now we are all like water rats running toward thewater to meet and see happy faces of our kiteboarding communityfolks. Because we know IT IS GOINGTO BE FUN
It is so great to see on a windy day people coming from all over town, dressed in suits and ties who startputting on their neoprene suits now instead and run toward the water because ….the work can wait…while their consistent thirst needs a feeding in a form of riding for couple of hours, feeling the power ofthe kite, splashing the cold water in their face and everything else associated with kiteboarding
When is the best time of year
The weather conditions in Ontario are great all year long. The summer starts late, approximately in theend of June but it can last as long as the end of October. We would suggest summer to be the most funtime to ride due to different kiteboarding spots and destinations to go to, however fall is also greatbecause the cooling weather brings stronger and more consistent winds. Not to forget that winterallows you to learn snow kiting and snowboarding, which is a different and fun game on its own.Overall, January-March is a winter season, water time is April-May, and October-December are monthsof medium-high winds a few times per week. Summer heat varies every year. Most riders own 16-18meter kites which are used during most days in summer. We say here, “go big or go home!” If you learnthe light wind techniques here, you can ride anywhere around the world
No wind? What can you do if there is no wind?
When there is no wind, there is a large city around you. Not only that, but there are many more sightsto see and things toexperience in Ontario.
This is information about your area:
Getting there: How do you get to your spot? Which airport, do you need a transfer etc,
The majority of all companies flying to and from Toronto offer 23kg of free sports gear above andbeyond your allowance. This allows you to bring with you, if necessary, all of the equipment you needto enjoy the sport here. Check with the company you are flying with just in case they charge extra or theabove is allowed just to make sure and be preparedfor a great experience you are about to get inOntario. However, if you wish to leave it all at home, upon arrival you just need to contact vp7.108.myftpupload.com. Notonly does Canadian Kite Surfing Society provide professional lessons with certified instructors, they dooffer all the gear one needs to rent for a day to enjoy the wind. Moreover, you can hop in a car with oneof almost 400 members of this group and ride to the destination where the group is going that day. Ontop of that, vp7.108.myftpupload.com will suggest to you the proper equipment for your level of experience you might
want to purchase or upgrade to, and can bring you to their favorite, well known store, Silent Sports,where you can purchase anything you might need for kitesurfing, windsurfing, cycling, etc. Not toforget, you can always get a good deal via vp7.108.myftpupload.com there. Kite options? What would be the 2 best kites to bring.Kite options? What would be the 2 best kites to bring.
Based on the expected forecast, your weight, size and boards you already have (and whether you ridetwintip or a foil board), expect that you might need a larger kite, like at least 16 meters and a smallerone around 13-14 meters or equivalent of a foil kite
Which wetsuit? Which wetsuit should you bring, or is it just boardies/bikini?
Even during the summer time, we do use light suits that are 3/2 mm thick, shorts and a rash guardbecause the you will get sunburnt here by the end of your session
During the colder days of spring and fall you might want to use 5/4 wetsuit with 5mm gloves and 5-8mm boots. In the winter if you want to ride on the water-yes, you heard it right, crazy Canadiankiteboarders do ride in winter here on the water-you also can use a dry suit. But it is not fun we thinkafter all. Doesn’t feel like real kiteboarding…
Just so you get an idea, the local surfers don’t close their surfing season in Ontario in winter and continueto have their share of water fun even during the coldest days with negative temperatures. And the funonly stops for them if the lake freezes. You can always find a great wetsuit deal here on last year’swetsuits if you need one with the help and great advice of the experienced riders and coaches ofvp7.108.myftpupload.com
Beer: How much is a beer?
Beer. What kiteboarding session ends without a beer and a great talk between the riders about the newtricks and jumpsand fun they have experienced? You can get together in a local bar where there is avariety of a domestic and international beers for as low as $4.99 for a bottle and up or $15-17 for apitcher. Or can always purchase a 6-pack in a local LCBO (Liquor Commission Board of Ontario) foraround $11-13 dollars if you wish to save a bit
Typical Dinner
If you want to continue your fun with your new friends and local riders from vp7.108.myftpupload.com, you can havedinner together inone of the many local restaurants, pubs and small eateries for as low as $20-30 dollarsper person or less
Late Night… Are there any nighttime activities? Restaurants/Bars/Clubs.
Late night time. Plenty of options and places to see and to go to. It is Toronto after all. But it is alwayssafe and friendly no matter where you go. Toronto doesn’t really have bad areas you would wish to stayaway from, as the police are always close and paying attention to what’s happening. As long as you