Bladder Valve Trap

$14.99 hst

SKU: 2024 Category: Product ID: 1987


The Valve Trap was  developed because people were asking  why they couldn’t re-use their existing good valves when they started leaking. Here is perfect solution that alows you quickly and permanently attach a new or used valve to a kite bladder. Repair old bladders or assemble new.

The Valve Trap  works sandwiches any valve between two layers of soft foam and seals the valve in place with a specialized adhesive. The Valve Trap then provides a large 4″ diameter base with ‘peel and stick’ adhesive that will permanently adhere to any bladder, new or used.

Don’t quite understand how it works? watch this  Video on this page or call us.

Perfect fix to re-attach original valves when they come loose and begin to leak. Keep your original valve and be back on the water in minutes.


– Do not use the Valve Trap with a ball valve. Replace faulty ball valves with new one-way valves (check-flap style).

– Make sure the valve spacing is correct when using the valve trap. If the valve spacing is off or if the bladder is not seated correctly and there is “pull” on the valve it can release from the Valve Trap.

– Check all valves for cracks and/or wear before re-sticking them with the Valve Trap.

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