Every year a canadian group of kitesurfers get together in Ontario to take Racing challenge. Kiteboarding winter event has been planned for beginning of March . Mother Nature has given us an unbelievably beautiful sunny day . Team of CKSS went out and researched few spots prior to the event and the location was selected accordingly to wind and snow conditions. This year  34 riders were out on Lake Simcoe  racing around Thorah Island. Friends and families were invited for support of competitors team. They were kitesurfers of different levels and some were first season snowkiters just after few lessons with canadian kite surfing society instructors they took challange in racing. Safety systems were checked, kites were setup and ready to fly and all competitors motivated. Fantastic day cant ask for better

And the first 10 places were taken by:

#1 Matt Turgeon

#2  Camron A.

#3 Chris Meissner

# 4 Andrey Chuchulo

# 5 Nigel Heath

# 6 Igor Murzaev

# 7 Ben Summerville

# 8 Shawn B

# 9 Oleg Nikiporets

# 10 Christine Danner