Canadian kitesurfing is growing everyday .The Province of Ontario is known for its three biggest lakes . The amount of water and winds creates wonderland for wind powered water sports. Kiteboarding is one of the sports that besides actually riding its also fun to watch.

It became a tradition now  Canadian Kite Surfing Society members get together every year for a crossing lakes adventure. We first research the weather forecast then select a route with start and finish points. It has been an amazing experience to ride kites on a long distance with a group of motivated people. It is definitely a challenge and not many riders have done it . As soon as we  launched kites there is no going back. More then that you are  riding 6-9kms offshore and there is no stoping for a break. This year we started in Oakville and finish at cherry beach,Toronto. Total ride was around 60kms. A few minutes from start you realize that all shoreline looks the same and the only navigation point is CN Tower.

2015 Riders : Igor Murzaev, Kurt Paprosia, Mike Brauch, Remi Ferreres, Val Lvov, Pietro Bizognini, Eric Sigal, Denys A., Oleg Nikiporets, Kent Ackerman.


See you next Year for 120km ride